Monday, April 2, 2007

Tourist in my own town.

Went to lance/steen's BBQ last night, rode there. It's a beautiful ride, the river and the little neighborhoods in downtown springfield. And I had a wonderful time, until I was ready to leave, and everyone thought I was crazy to bike home in the night. It's cold, they said. Of course it's cold, but the moon was full, and would be shining on the river like you wouldn't believe. And really, I don't get cold.

I hadn't made that ride in a while, and I'm glad I did-the bike paths are incredibly beautiful at night. It's quiet and empty, and when the moon is full it's like a wan blue day. The clouds were incredible, the river was high, and I saw people fucking in the crossroads at the knickerbocker bike bridge. I'm happy to live somewhere where something as simple as riding my bike at night can be a remarkable, strange experience. Next full moon-anyone else up for it?

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