Monday, December 3, 2007

Offensive Hat Trick

I pay a lot of attention to ads. Between working in market research and a certain proprietary interest in storytelling, I find myself deconstructing all sorts of tv spots and web ads-who they're aimed at, what they're trying to say, and so forth. And ads are one of the few popular creative outlets left at this point, a place for people who are imaginative to make money and get their ideas seen. So, despite the corrosive nature of marketing, I read some ad blogs, watch some ad sites, I like a little ad report card on the Slate. You know, it's one of my things.

That being said, last night I caught what has got to be one of the vilest ads I can remember. From the abovetheinfluence people (link's to their ad page, since I couldn't link directly to the ad in question-the one called "Sent". Goes to show douchebaggery can be expressed through web design as well), folks from the govt. looking to cut down on the drug use. Now, this is all well and good, and I can understand their motivation-but come on, this commercial is racist, sexist, and totally dishonest, all at the same time. Stuff like this doesn't win the drug war folks, it just makes its authors look more and more like assholes...which, one imagines, they are. Christ, this made me mad. These people, and the asslanterns over at truth as well. Can't lie and be good at the same time, just doesn't work. My rant for the day.


Anonymous said...

You should've seen some of the PSA in the 1980's. Bon Jovi doing anti-drug commercials? Iggy Pop too?
Granted, it may not be seen as rude as the idiots over at abovetheinfluence, but it still reeked of doo-doo.

We should make our own, "I had a great time on drugs and learned..." advertisement.

Anonymous said...

You should've seen some of the PSA in the 1980's. Bon Jovi doing anti-drug commercials? Iggy Pop too?
Granted, it may not be seen as rude as the idiots over at abovetheinfluence, but it still reeked of doo-doo.

We should make our own, "I had a great time on drugs and learned..." advertisement.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

"I've had some killer times on drugs. I'm not promoting it, but I'm not denying it. Let's get the whole fucking story..."-Bill Hicks