Saturday, December 15, 2007

Condiments on the walls

I was prepping limes for guacamole, a confection for which I am renowned in certain circles...anyway, the lime in question had a weak wall and my trust in it's rind's strength was misplaced in that particular it was weak, you understand. The wall was.

So my knife, my shank, which I do keep quite sharp but is in fact, pointless, penetrated the aforementioned weak wall, and sliced deep into the meat of my thumb. Not the pad, and not the ball, which to me always seemed a bit like the meat of a chicken leg, should we ever resort to cannibalism and we become cuisine. The bit between those parts, the space between knuckle and palm...only perhaps an inch across I sliced, but deep enough to see muscle and artery and sacs of glistening fat like grapes. I felt it immediately, not pain but a sensation of tearing and damage that was...intense, to say the least. I flung my hand instinctively away from the food I was preparing (showering the rest of the area with dram after dram of my blood. Oops.) and over the hand sink in the corner. I put pressure on it, looked at it (ew) and told my boss that I felt as though my day was over.

Trip to the hospital, trip to the Care that's Urgent. Quick too, less than an hour in and out...which for Urgent Care is a tiny miracle, 'specially that time of day. I've always said, I lead a charmed life. Only 4 stitches, not much to look at...but it was harrowing, in its own weird way, and was a surprise. I like surprises. The kind I can walk away from.


Anonymous said...

Damn you! I told you not to use those tools unless you had ADULT supervision.

Naughty spawn.

Be Careful, I need you to be able to hold the tambourine on New Year's Eve.

hbertels said...

I had a dream about you the night after you did that. I didn't see it but I was at work later that night when everyone was talking about it.
It was strange though, because I don't usually have dreams directly relating to th previous day. But I guess spraying blood everywhere is an exception. I didn't get to see it, and I was disappointed. (Not you cutting yourself, but the blood sprayed everywhere.)

Also, I'm happy to see that you cut your blog image down. It was pretty cool but it was always kind of annoying to have to scroll down through it.

I hope you're feeling well, though. Don't bother going to the doctor when your stitches are ready to come out. Just take a pair of nail clippers and snip them. It's really easy.

sigmund jones said...

and to think ... none of this would have happened had you been standing behind a register, scanning products instead of slicing them. PONDER ON THAT.

in all seriousness i hope your hand is okay ... need anything, let me know.

mrs random said...

I was thinking about puns on the word "Darn" since you've had a rent darned. But I'll keep it to myself. Mostly. While sending good wishes for quick healing!

Unknown said...

One of your fellow co-workers, upon hearing your misfortune, asked "Is the guac ok?"....forgive her, she's young.