Sunday, November 11, 2007

Taking Benedictation

Blunch today, and what a blunch it was. I went all out-pies, both sweet potato and huckleberry; eggnog, homemade; apple crisp; and eggs benedict, with homemade hollandaise and English Muffins. Damn, but I can cook. So many fine people, new and old. Thanks to those that came, and sympathy for those that missed both the food and the company. Your lives are diminished by your absence. But then, so are ours.

So that's fine, good to be excellent from time to time. Took a meeting in produce, pressed some flesh and reacquainted myself. The sun shines, and I rode my bike. A good day. Would that you all have days as fine as mine.


epiphenita said...

sigh. that sounds lovely. so sorry to have missed it. particularly the sweet potato pie. i'm jonesing for some sweet potato pie. did mr. miller tell you that you have an open invitation to the houston hub for the holidays? yes, you do.

Anonymous said...

you're a terrific neighbor. words cannot....