Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Living in the same place for a long period of time means noticing the little things, the seasonal things. The air is different here in my neighborhood, the temperature, the smells and the weather. At night, when it's cold enough, even if the rest of Eugene is clear, the residual heat in the river leftover from the daylight makes fog. Great massive clouds of it that can swell to cover the whole Whit, or that hang only just above the river itself. Some nights, I'll be riding back from Capella, and every little neighborhood will be a few degrees warmer, the air will start to be more damp. And when I round 3rd and I'm almost home, I'll be greeted by a great wall of cloud on the near horizon. The river unbound by the strange physics of it, unbound and taken to the air.

1 comment:

mrs random said...

Nice description! Mr Random and I both thought of it as we walked toward work through the foggy Whit...