Friday, November 9, 2007

I love airports

I do-they're wonderful, bustling public spaces, all light and air and magical flying phalluses. Really, when confronted by the naked eye, passenger planes look fantastical. "No, of course that big metal cylinder isn't going to fly...wait, there it goes! Huh."
Good times with old friends in pretty places yesterday. Even close and comfortable with my opinions of most of you, it has never ceased to amaze me how my heart sings when confronted with one of you I haven't seen in a while. Thanks again, Michael and Melissa, and give my love to Aiden, who we missed.
Angst down, then up up up! Grand. I think I've got it nailed down though, and I'm working it through. Also, fucking grand. One more thing on my plate. I imagine myself (in my own self-absorbed way) as different from the rest of you in that I spend so much time exhaustively analyzing my life's moral dimensions. It's like a fucking hobby, at this point. And while the sentence before the last troubles me, I feel comforted that at least my solipsism encompasses the rest of you. Wish me luck.