Saturday, February 7, 2009


Man, I love my new header image. I do-it's Cerebus, and it's awesome.

Cerebus is a misanthropic barbarian aardvark who travels to a fictional baroque city named Iest. There he becomes embroiled in politics, ends up Prime Minister, then Pope.

Iest has two levels, a Lower City and an Upper. The dividing line is the massive hill made of basalt skulls that forms a natural wall around the Upper City (you may be able to make some of the skulls out in the image above). While Cerebus is Pope, the wall begins to grow, adding skulls and meters at what becomes an alarming rate. At the climax, the wall (which has become a tower) breaks loose of the earth and carries Cerebus (and, briefly, Flaming Carrot) to the moon. Orson Welles is there as a sort of omniscient Judge who tells Cerebus that he will die alone, unmourned and unloved.


Someone I like a great deal told me recently that I thrive on human suffering, and it's sticking with me.

(This is up there, by the way, with things like "You kill angels." or "You're a silver-tongued devil." or "You're the opposite of rainbows." for strange, beautiful, awful things that have been said to me in all seriousness. It's weird being me.)

I have a habit, a patter that I use when people come at me with their problems. Good proportion of all the conversations I have are people's problems-that's fine, I can handle that. I have a patter, after all.

But I do enjoy it, I've gotten used to it. And I may thrive on it. Imagine me now, wide eyed and terrified.

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