Thursday, January 8, 2009

Palo Alto

I had a very good day.


mrs random said...

Happy Birthday!! May it be a good year for you! From Skywatch, because I love horrorscopes: "There are three planets placed in the most powerful signs possible in your new Solar Return, Capricorn. Mercury sits in brilliant Aquarius in this chart of your new year—put your inventive and original ideas into action in the months ahead. Venus is in creative and spiritual Pisces increasing your awareness and ability to bring beneficial people and situations to you. And Mars is in Capricorn. The power of impatient Mars is harnessed by the discipline and control you can bring to bear in all your projects this year, Capricorn. These three planets are in exalted signs and without any frustrating squares—that means you control your own destiny in 2009. What is priority? What works for you in this new economy and with a new sense of awareness as you celebrate your birthday? You’ll draw some good cards this year—get in the game. As times change."

sigmund jones said...

yes, YOU have a very good BIRTHDAY!!!
lookin' forward to your visit