Sunday, January 4, 2009


Is when I will be older. I have never liked birthdays-I've had terrible luck on or around them, and from early childhood I've associated my birthday with bad luck and tragedy.

Of course, that's all my own silly bullshit, and dishonest besides. I lead a charmed life, regardless of the time of year. Lord knows I love the winter. And my birthday, I'm learning to love my birhday. The last couple have been great-touchstones that have set the tone for my 30s.

So...Thursday will be my 32nd birthday, and I'm hoping to spend it with some of you. I'll be at the Oak Street Speakeasy (I love the reviews), sitting with the bartender(my roommate) and whomever wants to drop by. After 4, before 8. Come sit beneath the surface of the earth and talk to me. Chances are, you're reading this, I'll be happy to see you.

1 comment:

Epiphenita said...

feliz cumpleanos, dear man.
love to you and the bartender.