Saturday, October 27, 2007

Dear Diary

That's a nod to someone newly first-level in the green-grocery. This is a stopgap blog, a placeholder. A week is far too long to go sans posts. So here we are, you and I, one writing just to fill the white space and one reading, after, what is essentially filler. So thanks for your attention to my sawdust and packing peanuts-there will be more later.

By way of apology-an epistolary tradition too long gone by the wayside-let me say that my recent history has been peppered with the drama and pathos of others, and it is to those circumstances that my keen eye and verbal acumen has turned. Gazing at the navels of others, rather than my own. Sort of. So that's my excuse/toot-my-own-horn. own adventures, while advancing at a steady rate, haven't seemed to warrant comment as of late. It might be the drugs I'm taking, it might be the terrible and constant pain. It might be something else entirely. Whatever, however, whoever...I'll be back later.

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