Friday, February 19, 2010


So those of you whose daily lives intersect with mine on a regular basis, those who are fimbulwinter may be familiar...I have a lot of lines. Lots of pat answers (good hobo name right there) lots of responses I have in my pockets.

I have so many pockets.

And there's a couple, some I use all the time. Like "Gender roles are harmful to society and individuals." or "The devil's onion's got a lot of layers, and all of them will make you cry.".

There's lots of that.

Lately, I've found myself letting people know what I don't believe in, the things with which I have no truck. And, if you know me, you know it's not about being right, being true. It's just what I believe, and being clear about that. I'm all about clarity.

In that spirit, here's a few things that I don't believe, as I've informed people in the last month or so.

I don't believe in luck.

I don't believe in astrology.

I don't believe in tempers.

I don't believe in emotions.

I don't believe in good.

I don't believe in right or wrong.

I don't believe in winning.

I don't believe in value as it's attached to provenance.

I don't believe in objective calendars.

I don't believe in truth.

I don't believe in "deserve", but I do believe in desserts.

1 comment:

Epiphenita said...

You don't believe in emotions? Are emotions belief-able?

That aside, we don't believe in many of the same things. I don't believe in gods either. Not Zeus nor that hot babe Athena, Odin, Kali nor Jesus.

I believe that the truth, as I continually relearn it, is the asymptotic goal of my life.

I'm neutral on objective calendars but I want to slap the snot out of (temper, temper) the subjective ones.