Friday, February 12, 2010


Is government by the nameless. Assuming that a name is much more complicated than just "Steve" or "Susan" or "Horsecorpse Veto", that the words I use are just a small part of the True Name that I call them in my head. The simulated version of you that I create from my accumulated memory of your output, your kinetic and photonic waste. I've been seriously considering how I can externalize this process, the photos and the files I'd keep. I'll post regular updates.

In our shared future where personal privacy is as anachronistic as an abacus, or a that future, the asymmetry of information that exists between the many and the few will vanish. And when we each know what the other knows, the inefficiencies that come with involuntary ignorance will also vanish. There'll still be bigotry, but the Intangible Hand will sort that out...unless you don't want it to, there's still novelty to be had being a bigot. The pain I choose is different from the pain I don't.

There's been lots to like lately, I've had tuberculosis.

Not literally, those of you who read this and will be concerned that I've gotten a 19th century disease. It's a pun. For future reference, anytime I say that I have leprosy, rickets, scurvy, buboes (fun to say!)'s probably just a pun.

ANYWAY, so the tuberculosis (which comes from parsnips, potatoes, beets!)...has included not a small amount of Goethe, which is awesome. All sorts of good, from poetry to Faust. Recommended by a customer of mine, a Professor of German Lit and Translation. So many ivory tower motherfuckers, so much data. I want more data, did you know that?

I want more data.

So, Goethe. Awesome. Here's some choice bits.

Investigate what is, and not what pleases.

Much there is I can stand, and most things not easy to suffer
I bear with quiet resolve, just as a god commands it.
Only a few I find as repugnant as snakes and poison —
These four: tobacco smoke, bedbugs, garlic, and Christ.

If I love you, what business is it of yours?

I am not Omniscient, but I know a lot.

More Light.

Also, for those of you who share locality...tonight, at Sam Bond's Garage...I will be leading a team from Capella against a handful of soulless drones from Trader Joe's in a game of Family Feud. Come out, brave the hipsters and see me and people I like.


Epiphenita said...

Oh fuck--wish I could witness the Family Feuding. Go Capella!

When we come to visit, I'm going to borrow a cup of that Goethe.

Epiphenita said...

Like there was ever any doubt...

fimbulwinter said...

as opposed to me and mine, with our droneless souls.