Sunday, September 27, 2009


We have the best, at Capella right now. Local Liberty apples, crisp and white and tart. I wait all year for these apples.


Epiphenita said...

I'm jealous of your geographically-pricey (for me) apple bonanza. So I clicked on the Capella link. The first thing I see is "Gluten-Free Day & Bike Raffle."

I'm pretty sure that is not even on the high end of the weird scale in Eugene. Seriously, you live in a very offbeat, albeit charming, alien settlement.

Thousands of years the peasants lived on bread, water and...yak or whatever. Now, there's a tidal wave of people allergic to the STAFF OF LIFE. I get perplexed.

Sorry. We were talking about apples. If they're tart you should make one.

Anonymous said...

More of a Kiwi Berry kind of guy I thought....

knitty mcloudmouth said...

i've been enjoying the sweet crisp bites of liberty apples for a few days now, and your friendship for many days. you are a good friend to have