Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Case, liver. Of.

I love a list.

And the hot, wet city. Cities should be dank, damp, blood-warm places. Lush and green and breathing thick, wet wind through the streets. I can't go too far down this road without running headlong into song lyrics, and as I'm making a concerted effort with regard to original content...well, let's move on.

I'm taking risks, breaking new ground. I've been up since five AM, which is a silly, uncivilized time of day. I've got lots to talk about, lots to say. New bits, new faces, things and stuff.

Give me a minute.

1 comment:

Epiphenita said...

Hot, wet, green, dank cities. I don't think you mean this hot but I love this dirty, steamy city, I do.