Wednesday, June 10, 2009


One-in-seven indeed. I know, I know, it's been a while. I've been laid low, laying low. Gotta pull myself together under less-than-ideal circumstances. But then, what other kind of circumstances are there?

So I've been unwell, and well, all at once. Never fails-just when I think I've finished and figured it all out...nope, not even close. New angst, this year's fresh crop of pathos. The covalent radius of a sulfur atom. Over and over and over. Had a revelation today. That's not uncommon-I just hope I can remember it later.

So I'm back, working it out. I have a number of projects, one of which is here-I've decided that I while I enjoy sharing videos with the rest of you, I don't want to clutter up what has become a fairly personal slice of me online with random YouTube-ery. So...I've got a video blog. Add it to your bookmarks, and check back for what should end up being a rich gumbo of news, odd, and probably the occasional funny. Check back here soon for recipes, anecdotes, and my standard verbose angsty bullshit.


Epiphenita said...

your standard verbose angsty bullshit.
my favorite kind.

(word verification: bactick. I'm a little put off.)

Christopher Coiner said...

nice moby dickery