Sunday, March 22, 2009

Wicker Ventriloquist

I want information. I'll get it, by hook or by crook. I know the nooks, and the crannys. My shortcuts and dark alleys and places safe only for me and my volume. There has been a leonine fuzzy slipper crammed into the windshield wipers of a box truck with an abstract logo that looks like a reclining man w/ an erect corkscrew penis looking at a black moon, for the last three months. I saw it (the slipper) in the alley on 2nd three months ago in the daytime. It was cold and grey but dry, and I was walking around. The next night, with a companion, I saw it again, moved 30 yards west and five feet up the front of the box truck that never moves. Pinned like an aethered butterfly against the windshield-I thought it never moved, never thought it would. There are so many abandoned vehicles outside decrepit buildings that house failing businesses...that slipper was cemented in my map of my neighborhood.

Tonight, it was gone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sounds like the zapatotistas gave that slipper the boot...they asked me to join them once, said i'd be a shoe-in, but i think their sentiments were laced with malice and i hated to be a heel but it didn't feel right in my sole.