Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Heroic Patterns

It's hard to say what I like best. The visceral, vivid sensation. That wave of premeditated schizophrenia. The soft edges of things and the way the world breathes at you. Reminding myself that I am capable of tremendously poor judgment. Not my usual dipshittery either. Genuine clear-eyed, true-believer poor judgement. I said Amen, and thought of Josh.

It's familiar, all at the same time. Like a family member you only think of when you see them, and then all the feelings come rushing back.

The egoism of it. Standing in the middle of a field, at noon, with the sun bright and hot and directly above my head. Wind and clouds and birds orbiting...like the world revolves around me. In my own defense, without that arrogance, I don't think I'd make it through.

But I do. Every time. And I'm pleased as fucking punch with myself. Every time.

There's more, there's always more.

Changing gears, and by way of apology, you should know I don't feel as though there's value in trying to make this relevant*. Sometimes these are wholeheartedly broadband-sometime's they're a cheap alternative to a conversation with a specific "you". I was able to say the same thing to two different people at once recently. In real life, I mean. Call this that, again.

Regardless, I feel like I've been mirroring the rest of you, and I have a terrible feeling this is not a good idea. I couldn't say for whom.

So this isn't important, per se, in as much as it's meant to convey anything relevant.** It's just my attempt at rendering down what I'm thinking about, as clear a sense of me as I can provide at the moment, in the state I'm in. And I'm hoping that in itself lends relevance to those of you who I imagine reading this. I won't sleep, wouldn't sleep. Sunrise.

*I would not discourage you from assuming that "this" may be broader than the scope of my blog.

**I hope to retire off the irony I manufacture trying to put caveats on my cryptic. You've been here before, you know what to expect.


sigmund jones said...


epiphenita said...

i've got to second anna's wtf.
you've taken cryptic to a whole new level.

butternut squash vagina & mountaineering embryo.

that's the best i can do.