Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Waiting for my moment of golden light.

This is a necessity, as nothing as perfect and vivid as what happened to me yesterday can go by the wayside (Nothing has really happened until it's been described-Virginia Woolf) but please forgive my brevity and my inadequacy. To all those of you who were guests in my home, thank you. Together we manufactured many a fine moment and bushel after bushel of raw, uncut happiness. It totally makes my top 5 nights of all time. To those of you who were in on it, helped out, or co-hosted...I hope you share my pride and joy at having so many bright and brilliant people in our corner of the Whit. And to those of you who could not make it...you have my sympathy.

The moon turned blood red, and I imagined it was all for my benefit.

More later.

1 comment:

mrs random said...

Thanks, Aaron. You were a profoundly excellent host.