Friday, September 10, 2010

Smoking Pol Pot

Not the most topical of titles, but I just heard it and it rang out so delightful I'm sharing.


I'm just not feeling it today, wore myself ragged and sad today. Dave described to me once how chewing on things bored him, made him tired of himself. It's gems like that make the rest of you worthwhile.

I am so tired of myself right now.

And there's not a good reason, or there's nothing to be done. I'm wise enough to know when I'm not being rational or sensible, when I'm just Ripley grinding the wheels. I'll wait it out, and be happy tomorrow, or Sunday, or on the moon.

What's the only way to be sure? They tried and failed? Are you a god? Nerdy shibboleths, all of them. Shibboleth like shoggoths, things that should not be. And blind albino penguins, beneath the surface of the earth.

I've responded to spam from various angles lately, not least of which my mother. Aphorisms she sent me, culled down and distilled from the electric noosphere. Not my bag, but data contributing to my Mom Simulation, so...valuable. I sent her back the following, with the same aim in mind. Add it to your Aaron.

There's lots of kinds of smart, there's only one kind of stupid. 

I'm not in charge. 

Everyone gets to do whatever they want. 

My bones are made of iron, my heart is made of gold. 

Nothing's as wasteful as righteousness.

I lead a charmed life. 

Do you want to be happy, or do you want to be right? 

I don't subscribe to that model of causality. 

Everyone thinks they're right, pretty much all the time. 

I can't be killed. (I love being able to say this, it's like a riddle. Can't disprove it, dead people can't be wrong. All they can be is dead) 

Nothing in my life ever got better because I got angry at it. 

Everyone's a coward about something. I decided to be afraid of being afraid. It never helps, I make theworst decisions, and most of the time being afraid of something ends up being worse than the thing I'm actually afraid of. 

I'm still a coward, don't get me wrong. 

Most people are doing an impression of what they think a person is. 


Unknown said...

It's not very often another human even interests me, so it's extra neat-o to be inspired by one. I miss you Mr. Queener.

Bobbi said...

I'm currently listening to The Joy Formidable and thinking of you!!! I really hope your move went well. I miss talking with you! My logic hasn't been challenged in a while. I can feel my brain molding.

With love,
Judy ThorBurglar