Sunday, March 14, 2010

...and the Formidable Clown

I ate pie* at 1:59 today. Some of you know why. Some of you'll know why later.

By the end of this, maybe, or before you drift off to sleep. Some of you will never know, and don't ask, 'cause I'm not telling. Mysteries and secrets, the unlocked door that's more interesting than the locked one. I'm full of data, full of truth-even when it's an outrageous lie.

As I evolve, grow and die and emerge. On the brink of myself. As I think about the questions and problems (is there a better word?)...once I would have kept myself to myself for my benefit. The asymmetry of information where I know what you don't, and can use that to my advantage.

I don't believe in that. In the asymmetry of information in general, but certainly for myself. How can you do what's best(for you) with me if you don't have a clear picture of what I am? If you're only working with a couple of facets, some small slice?

There are upsides to this. It doesn't make me any less confusing though, which is unfortunate. My lies are more digestible than my unfiltered truths? Sigh.

*Blood Orange Meringue


Epiphenita said...

Leftover PIe Day!
Today: Happy Ides of March.
Celebrating week.

(HaiKU! Gesundheit.)

Blood orange meringue. Oh my.

rachel leah said...

you are so clever, eating pie at 1:59. did you make it yourself?

Anonymous said...

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