Sunday, November 15, 2009


I was a weird kid-no really, it's true. I fell into all sorts of odd things-I must have been about six when I started watching Dr. Who (the old one) and I still have a Red Dwarf shirt from a PBS marathon in 1993. My mother always liked English TV, we watched a lot of PBS back when that was what they played. So I had strange tastes in that sense, a fondness for things that were out-of-the-ordinary (though I can't stand Monty Python).

I must have been around twelve when I caught an episode of The Prisoner. Very few things have stuck with me so strongly, but then, there's nothing like The Prisoner.

It's beautiful. It's the strangest thing that's ever been on TV. Truly.

So when I heard that AMC was doing a remake, a reboot, I was worried. Like you would be, right? Other people taking something you love, doing new things with'd worry, right? Tonight it premiered, and it's fantastic. Smart and odd and sinister and funny and brilliant. Just brilliant.

You can watch episodes of the old series here, see the webpage for the new here. Check it out, it's something I love.


knitty mcloudmouth said...

i was also raised on dr. who and brit coms. that and a whole bunch of strange.

Epiphenita said...

I've heard good things about The Prisoner, old and new. I look forward to watching.

I just don't understand the Monty Python animosity. Is it mostly the the television series you despise or does it extend to the movies?

I am humming "Every Sperm is Sacred" as I type this...

Lorraine said...

I think they've all aired now, but it really sounds like something I'd like. OnDemand, maybe? Repeats? Ack.
