Monday, January 28, 2008

There are things alive in my face.

That's my excuse, don't you know. But I had to say something, and well, I haven't had a video yet. Two things, going into this. Being an agnostic (Motto-We don't know, and we don't care.) I haven't got real objections to religion-it's just not my problem. But with stuff like this...well, this flavor of Christian (Bubblegum) bothers me in that I don't think god's this much of a dick. Really, it's not.

Secondly, once upon a time all of our best stuff was about god. Art and music and literature-some of the greatest honky creations in history were in the name of Christ. And now...all the worst music, movies, television. "Christian". God's not a dick, but I believe it gets a little upset when it's followers use their free will, sentience and imaginations to produce "Seventh Heaven" and Songs for Worship:Country. In that spirit, please enjoy "A Letter from Hell", courtesy of GodTube (I know). I'd like to call attention to Josh's commitment to postmortem correspondence-he keeps writing no matter how terrible his current circumstance. Would that we all keep in touch so well.


Unknown said...

For me anyway, the jury is still out on this whole ghod concept thingie, but I've always felt that if ghod does exist, she's black, and remember, pain is just ghod's way of hurting you.

Anonymous said...

oh my god that is HILARIOUS!