Monday, May 28, 2007

The gibbous moon and my singed moustache

I've got no middle gears. Conversationally, I mean. I feel as though.

Like, I can patter and banter just fine-years of customer service work, I think.

Well, when choosing a melon, ma'am, you want to look at it's blush, of course. But it's got to have weight, that's the most important thing (actually, any of your spherical fruits and vegetables, good rule of thumb is weight. If it feels heavy, that's your good first sign.) And a lot of folks like the smell method-I have a right terrible sense of smell, so I've never had much truck with the smell method. But lots of folks swear by it, so...And certainly, ma'am, if you ever have any trouble with anything you acquire here in the produce department, please let us know and bring it back. We don't want you walking out of here with substandard produce. No ma'am, thank you. And have a good day.

I can do that all day.

And if you want to talk about politics and science and history and gender and race and communication...if you want to have it out with me or share yourself with me or cry on my shoulder or ask me for help-I can do that too. I have all kinds of time and energy and deft sunk into communicating in an honest, articulate, accountable respectful way. Those are my favorite conversations.

But when it comes down to small talk, that medium-depth introductory social niceties that make up a good portion of "normal" conversation...I'm at a loss. Sometimes I feel like I don't have anything to add, sometimes I'm just not sure what the other person(s) wants to hear. But mostly, I just don't fucking care. And that's a problem, since my not caring doesn't trump their need to talk about sports or the weather or some other passing bullshit. My conundrum for the night. It's not as cute as some of my others.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You really shouldn't drop the serial comma without using a conjunction unless the last adjective is part of a noun phrase. And there's nothing about sports that would qualify it as "passing bullshit." We've had many conversations about this, and you are simply wrong. Terribly wrong.