Saturday, October 31, 2009

Last Chance

"And it looks like, yes, the skies are opening up...and,'s raining fire. No, no's fiery jaguars. That's right, jaguars. Late model too. Looks like it's the apocalypse, and the aztecs were right."

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Lithium Tuesday and the Season of Spiders

Abandoning the real for the surreal and the ur-real. Tiers and jodhpurs and nonsense nonsense nonsense. It's the post-post-ironic era, did you know that? The Age of Nonsense, and I will be your harbinger and herald. This is the Season of Spiders, Plaid Wednesday, the year I learn to love persimmons.

I leave so many bits behind, shards of odd scattered in the streets and in my wake. Try not to cut yourselves-they're bits of me, and I'm fucking sharp.

Eato mutata resurgo.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Gerard de Nerval

Je suis le Tenebreux, -le Veuf-, l'inconsole,
Le prince d'Aquitaine a la tour abolie:
Ma seule etoile est morte, -et mon luth constelle
Porte le Soleil noir de la Melancolie.


Down at the laundromat, contemplating my doom.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Wizardz Paste

My computer's spell check hates me. All red lines-not right!, it screams. There are twenty-four on the screen when I Alt+Tab over. But it's not that I can't spell. I can fucking spell. It's that my spell check has no idea what I'm talking about(just like the meat world). Here are some examples from the aforementioned page...


Some of you know what this is about. Those of you who don't, I propose a game. Tell me what you think all those words add up to.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pumpkin Bunker

Say it out loud-it's worth it.

My roommate described to me once, the sensation he had when he was stressed out, upset, chewing on something. Like you do. He told me that he got so bored with himself.

That never would have occurred to me. Never. Speaks to our differences. Nonetheless...

I am so fucking bored right now.

Saturday, October 3, 2009


I'm sick, not well. Weak, feverish. Every time I cough, I oink*. You know what that means.

What it doesn't mean is that I'm out of the loop. Loup-Garou I am, I can't let certain things go by, even though I'll avoid the rest of the world like Sierra del Plata. Watch this-it's my favorite.

*Not my bit, my favorite Marxist's. I've stolen it, like property is theft. Even intellectual property.